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te. Is this stupid idiot secretly whacking off in the restroom afterwards.. "A mouse who did not survive the food processing stage, adding some flavor and protein to someone's breakfast..A photograph (often shortened to photo) is an image (or a representation of that on e.g. paper) created by collecting and focusing reflected rays electromagnetic radiation. The most common photographs are those created of reflected visible wavelengths, producing permanent records of what the human eye can see.
Most photographs are made with a camera, which focuses the light onto either photographic film or a CCD or CMOS image sensor. Photographs can also be made by placing objects on photosensitive paper and exposing it to light (the result is often called a photogram) or by placing objects on the platen of a flatbed scanner. Synonyms: pathetic, pitiful, pitiable, piteous, lamentable.
These adjectives describe what inspires or deserves pity. Something pathetic elicits sympathetic sadness and compassion: “a most earnest... entreaty, addressed to you in the most pathetic tones of the voice so dear to you” (Charles Dickens). Both pitiful and pitiable apply to what is touchingly sad: “She told a most pitiful story” (Samuel Butler). “The emperor had been in a state of pitiable vacillation” (William Hickling Prescott). Sometimes these three terms connote contemptuous pity, as for what is hopelessly inept or inadequate: a school with pathetic academic standards. “To be guided by second-hand conjecture is pitiful” (Jane Austen). “That cold accretion called the world, which, so terrible in the mass, is so unformidable, even pitiable, in its units” (Thomas Hardy). Piteous applies to what cries out for pity: “They... made piteous lamentation to us to save them” (Daniel Defoe). Lamentable suggests the evocation of pity mixed with sorrow: “Tell thou the lamentable tale of me,/And send the hearers weeping to their beds” (Shakespeare).
Weird photos and funny pictures of disturbingly pathetic people, animals, events and things. Collection of pathetic photos, strange pictures, odd images of whacked people in even weirder places.Enjoy at

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Di sini ada Gambar-gambar photo yang mengandungi objek aneh yang tidak sepatutnya berada di dalam sesebuah gambar photo telah banyak dirakam. Antara gambar hantu yang real dah no t real

penampakan ghost photo collection - ada hantu tertangkap secara tidak sengaja melalui sebuah kamera HP, ghost captured by cellular camera.. sebuah bayangan
Fire ghost which appear in ngben ceremony in bali indonesia. ngaben ceremony is a ceremony to burn the martial remain.Hantu's FotoPage. Photo blogging made easy - ... ya Allah.. tengok hantu.. aku baik je .. takde letak mende alah katun tu pon.Koleksi photo Hantu--ghost in the world--Asia,Eropa,Amerika - koleksi foto hantu indonesia, hantu kuntilanak, hantu pocong, hantu setan, hantu kolor ijoFrom Pulau Hantu Travel Page: Ghostly Island · Send Photo to a Friend. 2, Travel Picture Pulau Hantu Category: People.Hantu gendruwo | 17 Feb 2008 One another gendruwo ghost photos collection. this is very scary although i don’t know exactly what kind of ghost is it? i also found this as devil, Watch Video Clips, Stream Music, View Photos, Post to Blogs & Forums, Join Groups, Browse Profiles and more on IMEEM, the best of social mediaPenampakan hantu dan photo aneh.., coba aja liad byk jg gambarnya. ... coba deh buka situs ini gambarnya aneh2


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ada penampakan ghost photo collection - ada hantu tertangkap secara tidak sengaja melalui sebuah kamera HP, ghost captured by cellular camera.. sebuah bayangan

Free Ghost Photo Gallery. Visit and view thousand's of spooky ghost photographs.
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He said 'homeless bill needs rich woman.wqakakakak..........

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