Pedang Misterius di Citatah-Bandung
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 by dev
This sword almost as tall as the high measure of home.
approximately 7 meters. It was visible on the surface. yet who entered her into the ground.
this story:
Ane was used to fit school around taun 1999, whose name ane denger in Citatah issue if there is a sudden sword aja present there. stuck on the hill. which became a question mark, the day before what's what guns there.
coincidence that hill place to mine limestone and marble. only the next morning the miners surprised everyone. see the absurdity of it, then their initiatives to mobilize all the equipment weight for mindahin tuh sword. but that happens all the machines on the dead when approaching the sword.
nah pas udah ane now work accident required to work outside the city, right in the direction ane cianjur, ane ga purpose .... tuh trus liat ane sword also asked residents nearby to also in ga know his origins. cuman clear in one night the sword is present there.
ane then immediately grab the digital camera aja trus tuh portrait sword. (happens pictures of cars fitted with a road .. ane third poto another pass cornering)
so ga may repost. (he.. he ..)
month of August Engadget tau ane Sodara this story, trus pengen ngelihat curious there. (ane Sodara also happens to understand the problem unseen)
fits well there is strangeness, too. so we approached the sword was about 20 meters our bodies suddenly suddenly lemes. ga sampe strong stand. trus, sitting down and turn the camera hp ane ane but also strange, sudden blank screen nge items.
trus ane ga tau Sodara read read anything. beriri he could direct his sword and approached him and held it. It was still strange. pas he holds, ane tuh ngelihatnya electrocuted rich people .... a long time he held his sword about 10 minutes. trus back to us again and then lemes story: reply sword for the warning, that the area may again be held ga mining activities which spent the hill. trus klo sword was lifted so that the hill would collapse. more exciting ever again turned on the handle of his sword was fitted white diamonds (the original) of marbles marbles.
agan agan never made a frequent or have passed away, please visit ajah. just a suggestion .. klo going over there do not own.