Setan Tow Hantu Versi Filipina
Saturday, August 28, 2010 by dev
tiyanak sirene mythology is similar to the Greeks who lured victims to his voice. Someone heard the baby crying from far away in a forest and then follow the voice to deliver the baby. Some stories say that those traveling without a purpose in the quest to find the baby and ultimately misguided. Other stories claim that the person who found the baby
in the middle of the forest, when lifted, the baby and then changed into a big rakasa scalloped edge. Tiyanak then eating it and changed back the baby to wait for victims berikutnya.Duwende:
white 1.duwende unexpected things which bring about good fortune, or black, which means that 2.Duwende duwende want to play on people. They generally only interact with people when they interrupted house. For example, a good farmer who treated his land may be valued by the abundance of white duwende larger crop than usual. However, a person who kicks a house near an ant nest, may be punished duwende Black with diseases of the lips, chipped to the testes to swell. The best way to avoid Duwende is saying "tabi-tabi po" hard before entering the room mereka.The Manananggal sometimes regarded as a special lineage of aswang. They are sometimes referred to as the "Tik-tik" sound because he made during the flight. To confuse his victims, tik-tik sound becomes muffled when they come up. These creatures are generally wing-shaped tomato with a hairy, rough kelalawar. Part of the body remain in the soil when it is released when he was part of flying to find food. manananggal has a taste of drinking human blood and in dire need of human fetal liver and taken with a long tongue, such as trunk