Misteri sheik sit Siti jenar
Tuesday, March 3, 2009 by dev
Name sheik know Siti jenar
Siti jenar sheik (829-923 H/1348-1439 C/1426-1517 M), has many names: Ali San (name of parents angkatnya, Hasan Ali Anshar not as many people written); sheikh 'Abdul Jalil (the name you at Malacca, after the carrier Islamic scholars to be there); sheik Jabaranta (name familiar in Palembang, Sumatra and mainland Malacca); Prabu Satmata (I Gusti visible by eye; names do appear from the circumstances kasyf or spiritually drunk; also the name you introduced to students and followers); sheik or Lemah Lemah Abang Bang (the title given community Lemah Abang, a community and the village sheik fashion dipelopori Siti jenar; hegemony against the kingdom. Wajar if people do not recognize the name of Cirebon sheik Siti jenar, because in Cirebon I name is popular sheik Lemah Abang); sheik Siti jenar (the name I mengambarkan ajarannya philosophical about sangkan-direction, that is biologically human only created a land of red and the rest is the spirit of God; also the name I dilekatkan by Sunan Bonang when memperkenalkannya to the Board of guardian, the presence in Central Java / Demak; also Babad Cirebon name); Nurjati sheik or Pangran Panjunan or Sunan Sasmita (the name in the Babad Cirebon, Hadisutjipto sz); Siti Bang sheik, sheik and Siti Brit; Siti noble sheik (names given society Java Tengahan); Sunan Kajenar (Islamic literature in the Java-version of Surakarta new era R.Ng. Ranggawarsita [1802-1873]); Wali sheikh Lanang Sejati; Jati Mulya sheik and sheik Sunyata Jatimurti Susuhunan ing Lemah Abang.
Siti jenar more shows as the main teaching symbolism sheik Siti jenar kasampurnan ie science, science sangkan-ing direction dumadi, muasal origin of human events, it is created from biological soil red pot functions as a venue (place) persemayaman in the spirit of this world. Jasad so that people do not abide will decompose back ketanah. The rest is the spirit of God, you will after kemusnaan raganya integrates back with immortality. He was in a manungsa as a form of "manunggaling sense" (sense integrates into God).
And because heaven and hell is derajad for the physical presence of Paradise and hell are in the world, according to a statement is that the world is a prison for the believers. According to Siti jenar sheik, the world is hell for the person with a solid-ignites God. After he died from his fetters wadag free and united with God. Manunggalnya servants in the world with God is often obstructed by biological bodies do with appetite-nafsunya. That is the core meaning of the name Siti jenar sheik.
Siti jenar sheik (829-923 H/1348-1439 C/1426-1517 M), has many names: Ali San (name of parents angkatnya, Hasan Ali Anshar not as many people written); sheikh 'Abdul Jalil (the name you at Malacca, after the carrier Islamic scholars to be there); sheik Jabaranta (name familiar in Palembang, Sumatra and mainland Malacca); Prabu Satmata (I Gusti visible by eye; names do appear from the circumstances kasyf or spiritually drunk; also the name you introduced to students and followers); sheik or Lemah Lemah Abang Bang (the title given community Lemah Abang, a community and the village sheik fashion dipelopori Siti jenar; hegemony against the kingdom. Wajar if people do not recognize the name of Cirebon sheik Siti jenar, because in Cirebon I name is popular sheik Lemah Abang); sheik Siti jenar (the name I mengambarkan ajarannya philosophical about sangkan-direction, that is biologically human only created a land of red and the rest is the spirit of God; also the name I dilekatkan by Sunan Bonang when memperkenalkannya to the Board of guardian, the presence in Central Java / Demak; also Babad Cirebon name); Nurjati sheik or Pangran Panjunan or Sunan Sasmita (the name in the Babad Cirebon, Hadisutjipto sz); Siti Bang sheik, sheik and Siti Brit; Siti noble sheik (names given society Java Tengahan); Sunan Kajenar (Islamic literature in the Java-version of Surakarta new era R.Ng. Ranggawarsita [1802-1873]); Wali sheikh Lanang Sejati; Jati Mulya sheik and sheik Sunyata Jatimurti Susuhunan ing Lemah Abang.
Siti jenar more shows as the main teaching symbolism sheik Siti jenar kasampurnan ie science, science sangkan-ing direction dumadi, muasal origin of human events, it is created from biological soil red pot functions as a venue (place) persemayaman in the spirit of this world. Jasad so that people do not abide will decompose back ketanah. The rest is the spirit of God, you will after kemusnaan raganya integrates back with immortality. He was in a manungsa as a form of "manunggaling sense" (sense integrates into God).
And because heaven and hell is derajad for the physical presence of Paradise and hell are in the world, according to a statement is that the world is a prison for the believers. According to Siti jenar sheik, the world is hell for the person with a solid-ignites God. After he died from his fetters wadag free and united with God. Manunggalnya servants in the world with God is often obstructed by biological bodies do with appetite-nafsunya. That is the core meaning of the name Siti jenar sheik.