sejarah april Mop
Monday, March 30, 2009 by dev
However, when thousands of Muslims have gathered in the harbor, the ship was in port sandar directly burned and Muslims be so cruel with the sea water to red as blood. Current slaughter and promise disavowal was on 1 April 1487 as a Christian and dikenang "The April Fool Day."
Muslims are not worth celebrating "April MOP" or "The April Fool Day", because the habit is a reminder of slaughter Muslims in Spain on 1 April 1487 BC.
Muslims are "latah" and celebrate April MOP without knowing the basis and origin muasal events, the word Muslim Cendikiawan, Ir. H. Asmara Dharma, in his writings that was received in Singapore, Sunday.
Dijelaskannya, April MOP is the beginning of large-scale assault by the army of the Cross when the country Spain is under the authority of Islam kekhalifahan in March 1487 BC.
Cities of Islam in Spain, such as Zaragoza and Leon in the North region, and Vigo Forto in Eastern region, Western region in Valencia, Cordoba and Lisbon and Madrid in the South in the city center and port city of Granada as successful domination of the Cross.
Muslims who left from the war that promised freedom if leave Spain with a boat in the harbor prepared Granada. Cross the promise of the salvation of Islam and allow people a ship if they leave their weapons and Spain.
However, when thousands of Muslims have gathered in the harbor, the ship was in port sandar directly burned and Muslims be so cruel with the sea water to red as blood.
Current slaughter and promise disavowal was on 1 April 1487 as a Christian and dikenang "The April Fool Day."
Next, the word Dharma, the events of "The April Fool Day" is April dipopulerkan MOP with a "ritual" may mengerjai, menjahili and deceive other people on that date, but the nuances happy.
"Ritual is not required with bolehnya gullible people who are angry and dijahili and reply," he said.
One of the Muslim youth, daughter Julia, does not claim to know the history of April MOP, although often do so while still in school.
But Julia confess surprised if the April MOP associated with the slaughter of Muslims in Spain.
Meanwhile, Rita Sahara, Medan other teenagers, also does not claim to know the history of the early April MOP.
He claims only to know April MOP related to the practice menjahili, the fabrication of information and make fun of other people to create surprises.
After April MOP know the history, he was mengimbau Muslims, especially young people, do not need to celebrate April MOP same meaning as Muslims celebrated the slaughter.
Muslims are not worth celebrating "April MOP" or "The April Fool Day", because the habit is a reminder of slaughter Muslims in Spain on 1 April 1487 BC.
Muslims are "latah" and celebrate April MOP without knowing the basis and origin muasal events, the word Muslim Cendikiawan, Ir. H. Asmara Dharma, in his writings that was received in Singapore, Sunday.
Dijelaskannya, April MOP is the beginning of large-scale assault by the army of the Cross when the country Spain is under the authority of Islam kekhalifahan in March 1487 BC.
Cities of Islam in Spain, such as Zaragoza and Leon in the North region, and Vigo Forto in Eastern region, Western region in Valencia, Cordoba and Lisbon and Madrid in the South in the city center and port city of Granada as successful domination of the Cross.
Muslims who left from the war that promised freedom if leave Spain with a boat in the harbor prepared Granada. Cross the promise of the salvation of Islam and allow people a ship if they leave their weapons and Spain.
However, when thousands of Muslims have gathered in the harbor, the ship was in port sandar directly burned and Muslims be so cruel with the sea water to red as blood.
Current slaughter and promise disavowal was on 1 April 1487 as a Christian and dikenang "The April Fool Day."
Next, the word Dharma, the events of "The April Fool Day" is April dipopulerkan MOP with a "ritual" may mengerjai, menjahili and deceive other people on that date, but the nuances happy.
"Ritual is not required with bolehnya gullible people who are angry and dijahili and reply," he said.
One of the Muslim youth, daughter Julia, does not claim to know the history of April MOP, although often do so while still in school.
But Julia confess surprised if the April MOP associated with the slaughter of Muslims in Spain.
Meanwhile, Rita Sahara, Medan other teenagers, also does not claim to know the history of the early April MOP.
He claims only to know April MOP related to the practice menjahili, the fabrication of information and make fun of other people to create surprises.
After April MOP know the history, he was mengimbau Muslims, especially young people, do not need to celebrate April MOP same meaning as Muslims celebrated the slaughter.